How to fix german MATLAB code in LaTeX

Tim Bernhard

This post is old. Codes, opinions and facts could be outdated.

Help to fix potential errors: GitHub

If you encounter an error such as, for example (replace "B6 with the character byte that fails for you, e.g. "93)

\lst@eaten ->-

Invalid UTF-8 byte sequence "B6

here is the reason and fix.

Reason: UTF-8 encoding is not read by listings package.

Fix: explicitly set the UTF-8 characters to the values readable by LaTeX, such as:

            {~}{{$\neg$}}1 %               \neg, logical not
            {<=}{{\tiny$\leq$}}1 %         \leq
            {>=}{{\tiny$\geq$}}1 %         \geq
            {~=}{{\tiny$\neq$}}1 %         \neq, not equal
            {delta}{{\tiny$\Delta$}}1 %    \Delta
            {µ}{{$\mu$}}1 %                \mu
            % Allow for German characters in lstlistings.
            {(end)}{\lstbasicfont (end)}{5} % black ``end'' when indexing last vector element
            {({ }end)}{\lstbasicfont ({ }end)}{6}
            {(end{ })}{\lstbasicfont (end{ })}{6}
            {({ }end{ })}{\lstbasicfont ({ }end{ })}{7}
            {:end}{\lstbasicfont :end}{4}
            {:{ }end}{\lstbasicfont :{ }end}{5}
            {end:}{\lstbasicfont end:}{4}
            {end{ }:}{\lstbasicfont end{ }:}{5}
            {,end}{\lstbasicfont ,end}{4}
            {,{ }end}{\lstbasicfont ,{ }end}{5}

If your are using mcode.sty, you can simply add this code. As of today, the relevant lines to change are around line number 239.


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