Embed Website in PowerPoint

Tim Bernhard


This post is old. Codes, opinions and facts could be outdated.

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When you present a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, you have probably already enjoyed the advantages of the reference tools. Whether the notes, the laser pointer or the stopwatch - I also prefer this view to present. When you have connected the computer to a projector, PowerPoint changes from "Duplicate the display" to "Extend the display", so that the projector serves as a second display for the presentation only.

Due to this automatic change, you cannot switch to another program such as B. open a browser and display it on the projector. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to display websites during a presentation. Fortunately, there are some solutions.

Solution # 1: Screenshot

Screenshots: let a program such as B. Softmatic Weblayers (or the default tools provided by your OS or Browser) take a screenshot of a website and include it in the presentation like another picture.

Solution # 2: Web Viewer App

If you can access your website via https, you can search for "Web Viewer" and install it under Insert ->Apps ->Store. The insertion works very intuitively as with any other element.

Solution # 3: Custom Macro

Activate the Developer Tools under the Options -> _ Adjust Ribbon_. After saving the settings, open this new area and click on Other controls. Select the element Microsoft Web Browser and place it according to your needs. Double-click the item to open the Code Editor. Replace the code with the following lines:

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentComplete (ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) If URL = "" Then WebBrowser1.Navigate "http://www.genieblog.ch/" End Sub

NOTE: replace http://www.genieblog.ch/ with the URL you selected. This should make your frame work.

Note: If you get the following error message: "This ActiveX control cannot be inserted", consult the following support page: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2793374/de


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