Migration from WordPress to Jigsaw

Tim Bernhard


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As of today, 6. May 2020, this site has been redesigned pretty recently. To be more accurate, not only redesigned, but redeveloped from scratch. All that's left is the content, which I successfully migrated. Before, this site was run by WordPress, now it is generated by Jigsaw. I chose to switch since I wanted to get my hands on with static page generators.

Pros & Cons

As for the Pros, on why to do the migration, I found:

  • My WordPress installation got messy: many plugins, some interfering with each other. Starting from scratch would have been an alternative solution.
  • I have every bit in my hands: I do not require to write or read a lengthy plugin, but can just hack away. I feel more in control of my time when adjusting Jigsaw.
  • I can use Markdown all the way down with any editor I like, without workarounds.
  • I have total control over the website performance; I wrote another post on my measures.
  • Coming migrations to other technology will probably be very easy, given the portability of markdown.
  • I can easily use GitHub to share my code – anyone can edit my posts to fix typos or translations.

While there are also some cons:

  • Handling multiple languages is not as a charm as I would have hoped for. Admittedly, it is not very sensible for me to keep writing my posts in two languages.
  • I do not like the directory structure imposed by Jigsaw very much.

How To Migrate

There are two steps, that can be done in preparation:

On one hand, an export of the WordPress data is needed. To do that, refer to any of the posts presenting the way to migrate to Gatsby or Hugo, for example this one by Tania Rascia. The key step is to download the XML from WordPress in the ToolsExport section. Then one may use the ExitWP tool to convert the XML to Markdown. Some additional adjustments may be necessary, depending on the shortcodes you used in WordPress. Checkout my script collection for scripts and regexes I used to split my blog posts according to the language shortcodes of WP MultiLang.

On the other hand, you will have to setup your Jigsaw installation. Refer to the manual on how to do that with the most current version.

Finally, all that is left is the combination of the two steps: the generated markdown files have to be copied into the source/posts directory of the Jigsaw installation.


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